Interview with WDR

EXIT: A Journey Through Perception


In this exclusive interview, originally broadcast by WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk), Florian Reinhardt delves into the origins and deeper meaning of his EXIT project. What started as an unconscious habit—photographing EXIT signs across the globe—evolved into a powerful artistic statement about transitions, decisions, and the impermanence of life.

Reinhardt shares how EXIT became more than just a collection of images; it became a philosophy, a mindset. Reflecting on his background, including the influence of his father—a four-star general—he discusses how themes of movement, escape, and choice have shaped both his life and his work.


Through this interview, viewers gain insight into Reinhardt’s creative process, his shift from filmmaking to photography, and how his EXIT photographs have now been reimagined in moving-image form. With exactly 1,024 EXIT photographs transformed into films, his work continues to explore the interplay between stillness and motion, past and present, presence and absence.


More than just an artistic project, EXIT is a reminder that in every ending, there is a new beginning.