Thoughts and philosophy

  • Ani Menua for ARTBOOK EXIT by Florian Reinhardt

    Ani Menua for ARTBOOK EXIT by Florian Reinhardt

    An Aesthetic Corpus: The Harmony of Word and Image

    Ani Menua seeks to philosophically explore the thoughts and motives behind the idea of EXIT, encapsulating them in language. The concept of EXIT is more than a mere word—it is a symbol, a directive, a moment frozen between departure and arrival. In the following text, I explore the philosophical undercurrents and artistic motives behind this project, where language and image converge into a singular visual entity. Through photography, EXIT becomes both an object of fascination and an artistic statement, unfolding in fragments that extend into video and music. This project not only reflects an obsession with the word itself but also engages with the evolution of art in the technological age, echoing the shifting boundaries of artistic expression.

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